Where does Twiggy's Anti-Nuclear Thesis come from?

The Pre-Start

  • Core Lithium announced Paul Brown as its new CEO, effective early June. Brown has previously worked with Hastings, MINs & FMG (CXO)

  • New Hope’s quarterly report highlighted sales of 2.4Mt (up 21% qoq), underlying EBITDA of $219m, ending March with $381m (NHC)

  • Black Cat entered an ore sale agreement with Paddington Gold to deliver & sell 45kt/month of ore from Myhree & Boundary to PGPL for 18 months. BC8 has agreed on a term sheet with MMS for funding (BC8)

  • Turaco Gold shared drill results from an initial 6 holes, with a hit of 105m at 1.6g/t Au from 135m, including 34m at 3.2g/t from 135m (TCG)

  • WIA Gold announced further drill results at depth, including 43m at 1.34g/t from 250m (WIA)

  • AlphaHPA has taken FID on Stage 2 of the HPA first project, receiving $320m in project debt & a $80m cost overrun facility from government agencies, NAIF & EFA + a $120m equity raising (A4N)

High Grade It

  • AusSuper will double its lithium holdings over the next three years to $2 billion, the fund is currently 8% shareholder of Pilbara Minerals (AFR)

  • Andrew Forrest argued that nuclear is too expensive & politicians who spruik it are opportunistically trying to divide Australia (The Australian)

  • South32 received a $20 million grant from the US Department of Defense to accelerate manganese supply from its Hermosa Project (US DoD) recall S32 announced FID at Hermosa’s Taylor deposit. Clark is the manganese-rich deposit yet to warrant FID.

  • The clock is ticking, with 5pm Wednesday (London) the deadline for BHP to announce a firm intention to make an offer or walk (Bloomberg)

  • Rio has re-opened the rail line shut after a derailment, while the Mining & Energy Union seized on it as evidence of safety issues (AFR)

  • China removed the interest rate floor and reduced the down payment ratios required for home buyers. This is an effort to encourage local governments to buy homes and convert them into affordable housing to shore up the beleaguered property market (AFR)

  • 2,000 Yorkshire locals are concerned that Anglo’s Woodsmith project is at risk following the company’s battle with BHP (Bloomberg)

  • Mali has signed an agreement with China's Ganfeng, to operate the Goulamina lithium mine and increase its project stake (Reuters)

  • Gold lifted 2%, silver broke through SU$30/oz (up 9%) and platinum gained 8% in a big week for metals (Reuters)

  • With Anglo looking to offload De Beers, up for debate is what buyers will emerge, with speculation that sovereign wealth funds or even an IPO could be on the cards (The Times)

Consensus 2024 earnings of Anglo’s divisions

Consensus 2024 earnings of Anglo’s divisions

  • CME cash copper hit a record high of $5.18/lb, ($11,414/t) amid extreme tightness in near-dated time-spreads, with long positions at 6-year highs (Reuters)

  • Steelmaker ArcelorMittal may not go ahead with plans to decarbonise its steel plants in Germany unless it gets cheap electricity as well as a sufficient supply of renewables & hydrogen (Reuters)

  • An increasing number of Australian miners are looking at listing on the TSX, as they expand their exposure to the Americas (The Australian)

  • Anglo American’s CEO of Australian operations had no warning of the miner’s plan to divest its Australian coal portfolio (AFR)

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • The Australian speculated that Gold Fields are contemplating either purchasing Gold Road or leaving Australia, indicating that GOR has appointed Macquarie on defense

  • Two US groups are understood to be sizing up Santos assets, with Carlyle thought to be interested in its WA portfolio & Apache weighing a purchase of its Alaskan interests (The Australian)

  • Brookfield, one of the world’s biggest renewables investors, is seeking to acquire the Forrest family-backed wind farm operator Windlab (AFR)

  • Troubled minerals sands play Strandline Resources agreed to sell its Tanzanian assets to pay down debt, selling to Chinese group Shenghe for $43m in total. Approvals are still required (STA)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • Patriot Battery Minerals is in a trading halt, pending a capital raising (PMT)

  • Galan raised $14m at 23c to further development at Hombre Muerto West (GLN)

  • Peninsula Energy completed its $106m raising, calling themselves fully funded to sustainable free cash flow (PEN)

In the Weeds

  • Here’s a dive into how Australian and other Western miners lobbied for the minerals processing tax credits presented in last week’s budget

  • This AFR article is a great look inside the swift decision-making culminating in Anglo deciding to sell its Australian coal assets, among other assets, with bids already received

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Today’s Top Tweet

Not a tweet this time but funny enough to be worthy of this section given the Karoon activist campaign to get dividends.

Devil’s in the Detail

Is 30cm of copper 634 metres deep ‘significant’?

To ENR’s credit, at least we didn’t have to scroll to page 5 for this one

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