All Signs Point to Ramelius Buying Spartan Line

Aussie Super ups Pilbara stake while Czech Billionaire's pulls out of CRN deal

The Pre-Start

  • Aussie Super has picked up some more Pilbara Minerals, taking its stake to 8.37% of the Aussie lithium miner (PLS)

  • Spartan MD Simon Lawson has sold c. 3.4m shares on market “to meet personal tax obligations” (SPR)

  • Only a matter of days since the merger of gold producers Red 5 and Silver Lake was implemented, MD and CEO Luke Tonkin sold around half of his holding (c. 5.4m shares) on-market (RED)

  • Highfield suggests its financing process for its Muga potash mine will not conclude in Q2 as previously stated, now expecting Q3 (HFR)

  • Patriot shared further drill results from CV5, including a headline hit of 125m at 1.72% Li2O, as they look to upgrade the resource (PMT)

  • EQ Resources reports record weekly production from both their Mt Carbine and Barruecopardo tungsten operations (EQR)

  • Tali Resources which is 40% owned by Agrimin, has regained 100% of five ELs previously under farm-ins with Rio in West Arunta (AMN)

High Grade It

  • Karora set July 19 as the shareholder’s vote date for Westgold’s all-scrip offer & released a new targeted finalisation date of July 31 (West)

  • Taxpayers forked out more than $300m of subsidies through a 2018 deal with MinRes to save the Koolyanobbing iron ore operation (West)

  • Billionaire Czech businessman Pavel Tykac’s plans to buy a majority stake in ASX-listed coal miner Coronado have collapsed (AFR)

  • Paladin Energy is using its stock, which hit new heights last month, to acquire uranium hopeful Fission Uranium (West)

  • L1 Capital believes NexGen Energy’s pullback will be short-lived, and that the strategic asset will attract suitors in time (Bloomberg)

  • Shares in Encounter soared by over 78% after new drilling results showed it had found niobium grades that almost matched WA1 (AFR)

  • Lithium watchers hoping the battery metal was poised to rebound have been hit by the realisation prices have fallen again in June (Bloomberg)

  • Strike unveiled a plan to build & operate a gas power plant, tapping its gas reserves at South Erregulla in the Perth Basin (BN)

  • Copper surged to a record on a wave of hedge fund money. Now the big question for bulls is when China’s buyers will return. (Bloomberg)

  • Russia offered to help Vietnam develop nuclear power plants during Putin's trip to Hanoi, Rosatom CEO Likhachev said (Reuters)

  • Ganfeng filed an international arbitration case against Mexico after the Latin American nation cancelled a potential project (Bloomberg)

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • Paladin has emerged with a recommended deal to acquire Canadian-listed Fission Uranium in a scrip transaction at a 30% premium, implying a C$840 million valuation (AFR, PDN)

  • Sev.en’s agreement to buy a 51% stake in met coal underperformer, Coronado, has been terminated after months of being in limbo (CRN). While AFR reports that FIRB approval was not received, we doubt this was the real dealbreaker given Pavel Tyek’s investment office has promptly received FIRB approval for SO4 in the past…

  • Citi was seeking offers yesterday to acquire at least 10% and up to 19.99% in Spartan Resources (AFR) Ramelius?

  • Vedanta is considering tapping bond markets for at least US$500m in a debut overseas issuance (Bloomberg)

  • Lucapa Diamond has agreed to sell its Mothae diamond mine to a local Lesotho company for nominal value (LOM)

  • Venture Minerals is selling its Riley Iron Ore Mine to Gold Valley for $3 million (VMS)

  • The Supreme Court ordered Decmil to schedule a shareholder meeting, booked for July 31, to vote on its scheme with Macmahon (DCG)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • Mayur Resources have signed a non-binding term sheet worth US$50m with ACAM, to replace Vision Blue’s equity funding as well as a US$5m placement (MRL)

  • Terra Metals has raised $6 million to advance the company’s Dante Reef with Tribeca tipping in (TM1)

  • American West secured $19m via a royalty deal over its Storm copper project in Canada (BN)

  • Orion Minerals is in trading halt in relation to a capital raise (ORN)

Word on the Decline

  • We think Gold Fields is behind the two bids for Karora that have occurred since the gold producer signed the agreement to merge with Westgold and detailed in yesterday’s disclosure

  • The offer in cash is a tell, combined with the fact that Beta Hunt is a sublease of Gold Fields’ tenement holding in the first place

  • And while we are talking about Ramelius…. If we were betting people, our money would be on them to be the acquirers of the line of Spartan stock being fished in the market yesterday afternoon

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In the Weeds

  • Dryblower balances the head-to-head between MinRes & Jarden, with the bank’s research team cautious in the face of weakening prices (MiningNews)

  • In the same vein as yesterday’s video on FMG and Andrew Forrest’s story, here’s an intriguing pull behind the curtain at Chris Ellison

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Today’s Top Tweet

Devil’s in the Detail

If this isn’t one of the most memorable one-liners in an M&A transaction call, I’m not sure what is. Morgan Stanley’s Shannon Sinha asked Paladin CEO, Ian Purdy what the synergies were in combining with Fission, which has projects in different continents mind you. To which he responded:

This is a one plus one equals three or four

Ian Purdy, Paladin CEO

Synergies, eh?

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