Rio wants Teck? Will BHP join Lundin for Filo?

Bellevue's anticipated quarterly is out

The Pre-Start

  • Bellevue added $36m to the balance sheet, finishing with $76m cash after selling 44koz gold. Drawn debts remains at $219m. (BGL). It says FY25 guidance will be released later this month. 90% processing recovery not quite hitting the mark, below +95% recoveries in the DFS

  • Liontown has added another offtake for initial ramp-up volumes: 100kt to Beijing Sinomine over 10 months commencing 30 Sep (LTR)

  • BHP entered an agreement with Samarco JV partner Vale in respect of the Fundão Dam failure in Brazil (BHP)

  • Champion Iron has temporarily shut down operations in response to forest fires near its Bloom Lake operations (CIA)

  • Meeka Metals has purchased a 750kW ball mill for its Murchison gold project, claiming to expand processing capacity by 30% (MEK)

  • De Grey ends the quarter with a staggering $872 million and says NAIF and EFA are considering participating in the debt syndicate (DEG) so much cash they earned $5m in interest!

High Grade It

  • The fallout from BHP mothballing Nickel West will ripple through engineering & haulage contractors, miners, airlines & power suppliers (BN)

  • Holdings of ETFs backed by physical platinum surged by about 444koz in the second quarter, equating to almost 6% of annual demand (FT)

  • Premier Steven Miles defended QLD’s coal royalty regime saying it was allowing the state to roll out infrastructure projects (The Australian)

  • FMG seized personal data from former employees connected with a rival, despite still supplying it with iron ore to test its tech, a court heard (The Australian)

  • Glencore said the future of its Australian nickel & cobalt ops will hinge on keeping a lid on labour & energy costs + infrastructure access (AFR)

  • Lunnon has expressed interest in chatting with BHP about the Kambalda nickel concentrator (MiningNews)

  • While Liontown ramps up to deliver its lithium supply to off-taker Tesla, fellow supplier BHP is shutting down, despite a long-term contract (AFR) “[Liontown] is in regular contact with the Rinehart camp and her top brass have visited Kathleen Valley to check on progress.”

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • Sky News reported that Rio Tinto is studying proposals for potential bids for groups including Teck Resources… Yes, Sky News?

  • Canada's Lundin Mining and BHP are weighing a potential joint bid for Filo, people familiar with the matter told Reuters

  • Citi has pitched that Rio Tinto should buy Arcadium Lithium, rather than pursue its own efforts (AFR) WotD: the merger of Allkem and Livent was in part motivated by Rio but Rio’s interest has since soured

  • A bidding war has emerged for Sierra Rutile! Leonoil edges to 19.85% and has submitted a proposal at 18c, two weeks after the board recommended a bid from Gemcorp at 16c (SRX)

  • Zeta Resources reported 95% shareholder GPLPF, who holds 95% of the stock, is considering a compulsory takeover (ZER)

  • Paladin received approval from the Investment Canada Act and Competition Act in its deal with Fission Uranium (PDN)

  • Proxy adviser Glass Lewis has recommended Westgold’s merger with Karora (WGX)

  • Siren Gold has agreed to sell its Reefton project for A$20 million to RUA Gold ($18m shares and $2m cash) (SNG)

  • GBM Resources is selling up to 70% of its Twin Hills project for $6 million upfront and $6 million in sole-funded exploration to Wise Walkers (GBZ)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • New Hope’s $300m worth of convertible notes settled last Friday (NHC)

  • Western Mines has entered a $6 million ATM facility with Alpha Partners (WMG)

Word on the Decline

  • We implore you to entertain a scenario for just a moment as it relates to the merger of Westgold and Karora

  • Recall that we believe Gold Fields has tried its hand at agitating the deal already by submitting at least two bids for Karora post the Westgold deal being signed

  • Now, should Gold Fields really want to be a pain in-the-ass and prevent the merger with Westgold, could they simply refrain from consenting to an amendment to the access agreement between Karora and Gold Fields that is already in place? Remember that Beta Hunt is actually on a sub-lease of Gold Fields’

  • The merger is conditional on ‘key third party consents’ being obtained but unfortunately the information circular doesn’t explicitly say whether Gold Fields is one of those third parties. We think they would be. Is there another twist in this deal still to come?

Do you have some Word on the Decline? Reply to this email or shoot a message to [email protected] directly. We will always take your privacy seriously.

In the Weeds

  • Given the news that Lundin has approached BHP for a joint bid on Filo, on Friday, we reckon it’s worth reading this Substack written by the Koala in Feb on how he predicts the Vicuna reunification happening

  • A monumental day in China. Battery cell prices plummeted 51% in the last year, with EVs are cheaper than ICE vehicles (Bloomberg)

EVs are cheaper than ICE vehicles in China

  • Make em’ laugh, make em’ think, make em’ money” - The words of Charlie Aitken, famed for his “Go Australia!” sign-off (Livewire)

  • GFEX is planning on unveiling platinum and palladium futures, with no timeline provided (RA)

  • After another boom and bust, where next for lithium? (Reuters)

  • The demand for AI and renewable energy is creating unprecedented pressures and opportunities in the copper market (Livewire)

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Today’s Top Tweet

Devil’s in the Detail

Not a mining company, but how’s this for a firesale!

Settlement the same day of announcement…

Mighty Craft owns a stake in Better Beer… Much to Matty’s disappointment, the Money of Mine team will be steering clear of entering the beer business any time soon.

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