MinRes Bounces but Pressure Persists

Bellevue beaten up as investors flee

The Pre-Start

  • Bellevue tanks 25% on open…

  • It’s straight to the balance sheet with Min Res who are up 5% on open: net debt of US$4.4B including $0.9B cash at 30 June (MIN) And they entered a pre-payment to bring in US$0.4B, repayable FY26-28

    Min balance sheet

    Because repayments weren’t stretched enough then…

  • Burgundy sold 1.03m carats, achieving EBITDA of US$26m, though net debt decreased to US$63m (BDM)

  • Develop cash is $41m, $36m debt drawn. Received $12m in directors’ options exercise. Continued Woodlawn funding discussion (DVP)

  • Metro shipped 1.42Mwmt, though 2024 shipment guidance was downgraded to 6.2Mwmt. Operational challenges led to lower than-expected EBITDA margins ($5/wmt) (MMI)

  • Bannerman finished FY24 with $24m and has since received tranched 1 ($75m) of its recent placement. FID this half-year (BMN)

  • MetalsX saw 2.5kt tin in concentrate produced in the quarter from Renison, adding $14 million to its now $182m cash pile (MLX) disappointingly only $374k used in the buyback to date and the company is now talking about buying ‘base metal and gold’ opportunities 🤦

  • Lake Resources saw 3 directors resign with immediate effect (LKE)

  • Centaurus closed the quarter with $25m cash to support pre-development activities through to FID at Jaguar in Brazil (CTM)

  • Cyprium has entered a commercial partnership with Glencore, the commodity trader will get 100% of new mine offtake and supply of sulphuric acid (cop that, Lynas) and Cyprium gets a A$20m prepayment facility (CYM)

High Grade It

  • Jundee miss takes shine off Northern Star’s golden year (West)

  • Anglo is facing headwinds in its restructuring as it cuts De Beers’ outlook, struggles at Grosvenor and impairs Woodsmith (Bloomberg) Hobbsy was all over it months ago

  • Anglo American is unlikely to restart mining at Queensland’s troubled Grosvenor coking coal mine before selling it (AFR)

  • Paladin's arrival in Canada marks the first time since 2022 that a large foreign mining company will list its shares on the TSX (Bloomberg)

  • FMG said the cost of mining iron ore in WA could rise by almost 10% in the next year, a sign the industry’s inflation woes are not over (AFR)

  • Cash-hungry Canadian miners test a grey area of anti-China M&A rules, waiting to see how the government reacts (Bloomberg)

  • Northern Star MD Stuart Tonkin has predicted an end to labour cost pressures in the resources sector (AFR) Either FMG or NST are wrong

  • Copper tumbled — falling below the US$9kt threshold for the first time since early April — on a pessimistic global/chinese outlook (Bloomberg)

  • Mexico’s mining investments down on stricter regulations (MiningNews)

  • Oil prices fell on mixed demand signals a day after large draws on U.S. inventories while consumption in China remains lacklustre (Reuters)

  • After repeated denials, Bellevue caught investors off guard by announcing its left-field capital raising (The Australian)

  • A coal miner who developed black lung due to his employers' negligence has been awarded a landmark legal victory (West)

Auralia ad

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • Rio Tinto, BYD and LG Energy show interest in Chile's Altoandinos lithium site (Reuters)

  • Dynamic Group Holdings is the subject of a rare on-market takeover from Australian Meat Industry Superannuation (DDB) WTAF, a drill & blast company? Meat super? What alternative universe are we living in?

  • PNX Metals dispatched its Scheme booklet to shareholders for its tie up with Kin Mining, Scheme meeting to be held end of August (PNX)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • Bellevue completed its $150m insto placement (BGL) Down big ~25% on the open, trading below $1.40

  • Talga is in trading halt pending a capital raise (TLG)

  • The second tranche of Black Cat’s $36m placement got approved by shareholders yesterday (BC8)

  • Lake Resources dipped their toes into their ATM facility for $2.5m (LKE)

  • Mercuria has transferred Jervois’ Finland working cap facility to the majority bondholder of ICO bonds (JRV)

Word on the Decline

  • Min Res’ conference call is at 9:30am Perth time this morning. These never fail to entertain (call link)

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In the Weeds

  • To give a feel for just how long Oyu Tolgoi has been getting into gear, here’s a 12-year-old video, with an obligatory Friedland appearance

  • China's run of robust thermal coal imports may ease (Reuters op-ed)

  • Macquarie had its worst day in 5 months as dealmaking appeared slow to gather pace while the commodities division uptick (Bloomberg)

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Devil’s in the Detail

Last month, African gold developer Predictive put forward a polarising resolution in their NoM. Chuckie describes the situation succinctly here.

Low and behold, after some “shareholder consultation” they decided to withdraw these resolutions, which were due to be voted on next Monday…

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