Lynas Goes Heavy, Ramelius Raid Revealed

Paladin set the bar with a target of 4Mlb+ year

The Pre-Start

  • Paladin provided FY25 guidance as Langer Heinrich continues processing stockpiles, with mining to recommence in FY26. 4.0-4.5Mlb of U3O8 to be produced, while selling 3.8-4.1Mlb at US$28-31/lb (PDN)

  • Gold Road shared news on Yamarna, including results from an 18km RC & 7km DD program. A comprehensive update is due late CY24 (GOR)

  • Lynas announced that at Malaysian they’re targeting first production of Heavy Rare Earths products in CY25 for the first time (LYC)

  • Sheffield contributed $7.5m in working capital to its Kimberley JV KMS, while expecting 90kt in concentrate shipments in June (SFX)

  • Strike shared a Walyering-7 flow test update, with moveable gas & condensate recovered for further independent assessment (STX)

  • West African shared infill results from M1 South, as well as confirming development at M1S northern shoots will commence Q3 FY24 (WAF)

  • Kingsgate confirmed newly refurbished Plant #1 reached nameplate capacity (2.3mtpa), while the group’s debt facility was extended (KCN)

  • Predictive Discovery announced further resource definition drill results from Bankan, in line with results included in the PFS (PDI)

  • A stack of substantial holder notices came out overnight:

    • Tembo sold down part of their Spartan stake, down to 9.99% (SPR)

    • Paradice emerges as a 5.95% holder of West Arunta hopeful Encounter (ENR)

    • Mano Mining is up to 13% of Sierra Rutile (SRX)

    • Diatreme has edged to 67.2% of Metallica as part of its best and final takeover offer (MLM)

    • Fidelity has ticked over to 10.3% of Paladin (PDN)

High Grade It

  • Citi thinks lithium prices will fall a further 20% over the coming months pointing to signs that inventories are rising at a “dramatic pace” (AFR)

  • Why Copper Fever Is Breaking: Bets on a looming supply crunch look less sure than a month ago (WSJ)

  • BHP will source 500MW of renewable power & storage in the Pilbara by 2030 & have its first all-electric truck fleet operational prior (The Australian)

  • Momentum behind net zero pledges could be fading as Beijing prioritises economic growth and energy security (FT)

  • Canada’s oil sands were once the high-cost, dirty & unloved sibling to America’s growing shale, but are now among the sector’s top performers (WSJ)

  • Copper extended losses with USD strengthening & prices facing pressure from weak Chinese demand, hitting US$4.26/lb (

  • China has a glut of coal heading into summer, a successful start to its campaign to ensure enough of its mainstay fuel (Bloomberg)

  • Sibanye will be forced to halt operations at its Montana palladium mine if prices don’t recover soon, according to its CEO (

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • RMS confirmed it has purchased an 8.9% interest in Spartan (RMS) This leaves the remaining c. 52m shares that crossed into the hands of an unconfirmed buyer

  • Lundin Mining (TSX-listed) said it’d increase its ownership in the Caserones copper-molybdenum mine in Chile to 70% by acquiring an additional 19% interest for $350m (

  • IRH, the mining investment arm of UAE’s richest company, is confirmed to be among investors holding talks on buying into Vedanta’s Zambian copper assets (

  • Sihayo instructs its shareholders to take no action in relation to the bid from Provident Aurum at this stage (SIH)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • Bannerman sought $76m via a share placement yesterday (AFR)

  • Canadian coal explorer Valory Resources is on the hunt for $20m ahead of a float late this year (AFR)

  • Tambouan has priced its chunky US IPO at US$24.00 a share, proceeds to fund the pilot project at its Beetaloo Basin (TBN)

  • American Rare Earths will receive $10.7m of grant funding from the State of Wyoming, conditioned upon being matched 1:1 with private capital (ARR)

  • Venture Minerals is in a trading halt pending capital raise (VMS)

Word on the Decline

  • The weather forecast in Kambalda this morning is 15 degrees, rainy, winds of 18km/h and a crew of unfamiliar visitors being guided around Beta Hunt today…

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In the Weeds

  • Here’s some detailed commentary on the state of the copper processing market by fundie Will Thomson (Massif)

  • Fear & Loathing in the Lithium Bear Market - An article on the state of lithium by Emanuel Datt (Substack)

  • For those interested in the Aussie fund’s management landscape, Mr Quick writes a monthly Substack (blog) well worth a follow (Mr Quick)

  • BHP operational carbon emissions are set for a "small increase" this financial year, an executive said on Wednesday (Reuters)

  • An intriguing visual look at how the Taliban took over Afghanistan’s mines (FT)

  • Daniel Sullivan, Head of Global Natural Resources at Janus Henderson believes we could be on the cusp of a supercycle (Livewire)

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Today’s Top Tweet

Sell in May and go away, they said..

Devil’s in the Detail

Here's some more fuel for the gossip fire that a Money Miner found digging around following our Anglo copper discovery rumour.

It’s an enviro report from last year for upcoming exploration work of Anglo American. Pg 32-38 shows a bunch of planned geophysical and deep diamond drill holes.

Apparently the cover is probably about 700m there, so don't think you plan for ~24 drill holes without good reason.

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