Iron Ore Sends Shivers while Freeport Swings Big

Spartan boss lets Ramelius know the ball is in their court

The Pre-Start

  • Pilbara ended FY24 strongly, with production at 226kt SC5.3, realising a price of US$840/t with an operating cost (CIF) of US$483/t (PLS)

  • Freeport plans to invest c. US$7.5b to expand the El Abra copper mine in Chile, taking 7-8 years to develop due to permitting (FCX, Reuters)

  • 29Metals experienced another tough Q, closing down $21m, despite drawing $30m. They hold $85m cash, with a $45m facility (29M)

  • Aurelia increased cash by $10m to $117m after investing $15m at Federation. First stope ore planned for late this Q at Federation (AMI)

  • West African produced 51koz at AISC US$1,158/oz. Kiaka remains on time & budget with $125m spent on construction in the Q (WAF)

  • Boss Energy finished FY24 with $272m of liquid assets ($67m cash), with construction of NIMCIX columns 2 & 3 on targets for Q3 & Q4 (BOE)

    BOE Table

    Please show us in the FS where exactly this matches the schedule? Thx

  • Rox released a PFS for Youanmi, averaging 103kozpa of gold doré. 7.7-year life, AISC of $1,676/oz, NPV8 $322m with $245m capex (RXL)…. proposing a gold-concentrate processing solution for the refractory ore

  • Lifezone produced first nickel from its Kabanga nickel project in Tanzania (LZM) the odds of BHP coming are zero after Nickel West

  • Ero Copper achieved first saleable concentrate from its Tucumã project in Brazil (ERO.TO)

  • Pantoro produced 21koz, ending the Q with $104m cash & gold and $19m debt, stating operations generated $7m operating cashflow (PNR)

  • Catalyst ended with $37m cash ($45m in liquidity) with $8m debt after producing 31koz for the Q (CYL)

High Grade It

  • Iron ore crumbled below US$100/t as a policy meeting in China failed to deliver major stimulus, while supplies stayed strong (Bloomberg) The last thing MinRes will wanna see

  • Zambia’s annual copper production will grow more than 40% to 1Mt in 2027, according to the country’s Finance Ministry (Bloomberg)

  • Aluminium producer Norsk Hydro posted an 18% fall in second-quarter core profit to US$533m on lower production (Reuters)

  • Kumba Iron Ore said private investors could help fix South Africa's failing rail network as it struggles getting products to ports (Reuters)

  • Lynas said the Albanese government should contribute funding to a chemical plant that would supply sulphuric acid (AFR)

  • Woodside revealed a $US500m cost hike at Scarborough LNG, with analysts predicting further budget pressure (The Australian)

  • Spartan shares surge on Dalgaranga resource upgrade (CB)

  • Low market prices for its key products are keeping a lid on revenue for Lynas as it ramps up commissioning (West)

  • The first hearing date is set in a class action against Rio for historical environmental & social damage from the Bougainville mine (Reuters)

  • Sev.en announced it had produced its first SOP from the Lake Way operation it picked up from defunct SO4 (West) Fortunately the family office won’t have to share cost details. It’s likely only in The West because they want to sell the money sink!

  • Botswana’s government will encourage new mining ventures to offer citizens the right to buy as much as 24% of projects (Bloomberg)

  • Simon Lawson said Ramelius are “in a bit of a jam”, while talking down a takeover as Spartan may no longer be in RMS’ wheelhouse (West)

Mark knows I’ve got news flow coming out, if he then rides the share price from 89¢ to 92¢ where he picked up the majority of that stake, he’s already ahead right? Like he’s already made $50, $60 million bucks.

Simon Lawson quoted in The West Australian
Rockwater Ad

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • Amplats is evaluating a secondary listing in London to broaden its investor appeal after it’s spun off from Anglo (Bloomberg)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • Meteoric in trading halt pending a capital raise (MEI)

  • Arafura are in a trading halt pending a capital raise (ARU, AFR)

  • VHM raising $4.5m via an insto placement and SPP (VHM)

Word on the Decline

  • Remember the conjecture about a tie-up of Gold Road and Regis in two separate Dataroom articles over the last month? (see here and here)

  • Well one theory put to us in the last few days is that the story was planted to ‘kick into gear’ a different party…?

Do you have some Word on the Decline? Reply to this email or shoot a message to [email protected] directly. We will always take your privacy seriously.

In the Weeds

  • Tribeca has written about their research into the growth of India and what it means for key metals like copper (Tribeca)

  • Recharge’s July show is out, taking the temperature on DLE progress, battery markets and EV subsidies (Apple, Spotify)

  • French auto parts supplier OPmobility said carmakers are reviving plans for ICE cars amid slower-than-expected EV demand (Bloomberg)

  • South32 downgrade nicely timed for chief’s bonuses (AFR)

  • What is a hurdle rate, and why do companies use them? (Capital Gains)

  • Here’s a quick primer on the state of the chrome market, dominated by South African exports and Chinese imports (MW)

  • Gold Production and the Global Energy Transition (Trench et al)

  • In search of the elusive green nickel premium (Reuters op-ed by Andy Home)

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Today’s Top Tweet

Devil’s in the Detail

Not even any free merch for the kids at the Anglo stand at this Mining Expo yesterday… Duncan Wanblad really has throttled the spending.

Anglo Stall

And one last laugh while you’re here. It appears Trigg is on the hunt for some free projects. Know of any going around?

Trigg Ann

A common mix up of “complimentary” (for free) with complementary (enhanced together) but always a cheap gag.

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