Evolution to Overshoot Cost Guidance

Itochu kicks coal divestment, Chinese halt gold purchases

The Pre-Start

  • Evolution reported a quarter-to-date cash flow of $145 million post its $40 million dividend. Reduced access due to rainfall at Cowal and Mt Rawdon has had a net impact of 26koz production (EVN)

  • Global Lithium’s mineral resource at Manna has grown to 51.6Mt at 1.0% Li2O (GL1)

  • Nico Resources has received ministerial approval for an extension to their previous EPA approval to develop their Wingellina nickel-cobalt project (NC1)

  • Predictive Discovery has reported the results from 17km of drilling at their Bankan gold project in Guinea (PDI)

  • Aura Energy updated its Tiris MRE to 91.3Mlb U3O8 on the back of 15km of drilling at the Mauritanian project (AEE)

  • NRW’s subsidiary Golding agreed to acquire the mining services contract, fleet & transfer employees of HSE Mining at SMR’s South Walker Creek for $85m, less $15m in employee liabilities (NWH)

High Grade It

  • Madeleine King said the “most frustrating” part of her job is widespread “ignorance” of the importance of Australia’s resource sector (The West)

  • Itochu missed a self-imposed deadline to exit its Australian thermal coal investments, becoming the latest major group to water down climate pledges (AFR)

  • Chinese Premier Li Qiang will visit a WA lithium refinery in Perth during his three-day visit to Australia (The West)

  • Genesis 2.0 IPO aims to complete unfinished business, with the Mike Fowler-led gold explorer hunting for Eridanus lookalikes near Mt Magnet (MiningNews)

  • Gold stocks led declines on the ASX as reports of a Chinese pause on gold purchases saw global prices extend last week's fall (CB)

  • MinRes’ iron ore monopoly at the Port of Esperance will be broken when, for the 1st time, Esperance hosts 2 exporters (The West)

  • Freeport’s new boss says she’s focused on unlocking a large mine’s worth of copper from vast stockpiles of waste rock (Bloomberg)

  • The world’s top coal lobby group defended its relationship with Russian mining companies and execs, saying it’s an “agnostic” organisation (AFR)

  • Australia must develop a “Plan B” to head off a looming gas shortfall because the hope that the market will be able to bolster supplies is not working, a widely watched industry group stated (The Australian)

  • Woodside achieved 1st oil at its Sangomar field in Senegal, an offshore project with an estimated cost of up to US$5.2b (BN)

  • Nevada Copper, a miner backed by Pala Investments & Mercuria, filed for bankruptcy protection, despite record Cu prices (Bloomberg)

  • Codelco attributed a sharp drop in production at its top mine to the lingering effects of a rock collapse last year (Bloomberg)

El Teniente’s processing plant

El Teniente’s processing plant

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • Rio Tinto said on Tuesday it will buy Mitsubishi’s 11.65% stake in Boyne Smelters for an undisclosed sum (Reuters)

  • Saudi’s Acwa Power is planning to raise US$1.9b by issuing stock to existing shareholders, capitalising on a more than sixfold increase in its share price since a 2021 listing (Bloomberg)

  • The scheme booklet for the acquisition of Alumina by Alcoa was registered with ASIC yesterday, with IER Grant Samuel concluding the Scheme was “fair and reasonable” (AWC, The Australian)

  • Critical Metals Corp agreed to buy a controlling interest in the Tanbreez rare earth deposit in Greenland (Bloomberg)

  • Southern Cross Gold and Mawson Gold plan to unwind their separation (The Australian)

  • Galileo has completed its tie-up with MinRes (not always guaranteed) with following-up exploration drilling commencing in August (GAL)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • Recently floated Brazilian Rare Earths is trading halt for a $65m capital raise (BRE, The Australian)

Word on the Decline

  • With all the oil & gas M&A possibilities that are getting air time (see yesterday’s show), we thought it would be interesting to see what the giant industrial consumers of gas are expecting the long-term price to be. Lucky us, the Alumina / Alcoa scheme booklet dropped yesterday!

  • The base case DCF model used in the valuation of Alumina assumes A$9/GJ (real) for WA domgas when their gas supply agreements expire in CY32

  • The world has moved a bit in the last few years. I remember a well-respected energy analyst at a bulge bracket investment bank running flat $6/GJ for WA domgas just two years ago

    Wesfarmers complaining about domgas prices last month

  • Alumina presumably guided the Independent Expert to $9/GJ, but we suspect that might still prove too low. At least they sensitised a $10/GJ scenario…

Do you have some Word on the Decline? Reply to this email or shoot a message to [email protected] directly. We will always take your privacy seriously.

In the Weeds

  • The first long-form interview with Oskar Lewnowski, the man who built mining private equity firm, Orion Resource Partners, dropped yesterday (YouTube)

  • While the South African government announced automakers will be allowed to claim a 150% tax deduction on EV facility investment, VW & Isuzu have expressed scepticism (Bloomberg)

  • Improving investor appetite for risk is one of the signs Dryblower believes indicates a sustainable recovery in the mining sector is underway, as rate cuts start (MiningNews)

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Today’s Top Tweet

Devil’s in the Detail

Do we even need to write this column ourselves or can we simply just link to a tweet from Chuckie each time?

Anyway, here’s an infographic we thought was cool in lieu of some original analysis:

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