De Grey Lines Up Debt while Takeover Rumours Swirl

Perseus out of the running for Akyem, YAL inches toward ASX200 inclusion

The Pre-Start

  • De Grey received credit-approved term sheets from a banking syndicate for a proposed $1b facility, plus a further $130m for cost overruns. With existing cash reserves it states it’ll be fully funded (DEG)

  • Ora Banda entered a deed with AustSino to terminate a historical royalty, paying $600k and issuing c. 1.1m shares (OBM)

  • Stanmore will immediately cease operations at Mavis, ramping down over the quarter. Short mine life & coal prices were key reasons (SMR)

  • Pantoro has repaid the term loan facility with Nebari, removing c. US$30m of debt. It retains a US$12.5m convertible facility (PNR)

  • Predictive Discovery released its notice of general meeting, adding new ZEPOs (worth $1.9m) that’ll vest on a change of control (PDI)

  • Delta Lithium upgraded its Mt Ida MRE to 6.6Mt @ 3.5g/t Au (DLI) Is a name change on the cards?

  • Hansjoerg Plaggemars has stepped down from the board of Spartan (SPR) to “focus on other business commitments” of course

  • Iluka has appointed Peter Smith, previously of WMC, Rio & Newcrest, to its board (ILU)

  • Galena confirmed it’s still completing a strategic review, with a targeted completion of August 31st (G1A)

  • Kingrose is in a trading halt pending the receipt of an exploration permit at Penikat (KRM)

High Grade It

  • Treasurer Jim Chalmers will today release consultation papers for the $17.5b production tax credits for minerals processing (West)

  • Lynas aims to accelerate its foray into heavy rare earth elements by outlaying $25m to reconfigure its Malaysian processing plant (West)

  • Administrators have retreated from Callide C, handing Czech investors a win and dealing a blow to the QLD government’s plans (The Australian)

  • John Richards is stepping down from the NST board (West)

  • Trafigura clinched a share of the new Kipushi zinc mine in the DRC, following a snub by Glencore (Bloomberg)

  • Lake Resources is laying off staff and selling assets as low prices hit the sector (Reuters)

  • Chilean miner SQM plans to choose one or more direct lithium extraction (DLE) technologies by next year (

  • The energy transition is advancing & abandoning the road map would waste billions of dollars, said Squadron Energy (The Australian)

  • The U.S. is bidding to eventually buy up to $2.7b of domestically-supplied enriched uranium, to boost the supply chain (Reuters)

  • LGIM will sell some of its Glencore shares over concerns on the group’s coal production and commitment to reducing carbon emissions (FT)

  • China’s nickel giant Tsingshan Holding Group has started production at its US$1b steel plant in central Zimbabwe (

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • African gold miner Perseus is out of the contest for Newmont’s Akyem in Ghana, & Chinese parties are said to be well placed (The Australian)

  • China Cinda sold a chunk of its shares in Yancoal Australia on Thursday, inching it closer toward ASX200 inclusion (AFR)

  • Lundin Mining is considering a potential sale of two European zinc mines as the Canadian metals producer turns its focus to Latin American copper (Bloomberg)

  • Speculation has again surfaced about Agnico Eagle’s interest in De Grey with the group said to have picked up the pace (The Australian)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • Bannerman Energy upscaled its placement, raising $85m at $3.30/sh to advance its Namibian project Etango-8 (BMN)

Word on the Decline

  • We have heard that BHP’s chairperson has been publicly stating the Big Australian will not be back in six months time to do a deal with Anglo - the ship has sailed. You would say that publicly even if you were planning on having another crack at a later date too 🤷 

Do you have some Word on the Decline? Reply to this email or shoot a message to [email protected] directly. We will always take your privacy seriously.

In the Weeds

  • Ivan Vella, the boss at IGO, does not believe in green premiums (BusinessNews)

  • How a shake-up could unlock $40b for Rio Tinto investors, by Chanticleer (AFR)

  • For fans of shareholder activism, a brief highlight reel from a man not known for biting his tongue, hedge fund giant Dan Loeb, is worth a read (Vanity Fair)

  • How China is Reshaping Hong Kong (podcast), a run through the loss of HK as an independent Chinese city

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Today’s Top Tweet

It’s the comments on this tweet that are hilarious. Gotta love the passion of the uranium Twitter crowd

Devil’s in the Detail

We noticed a $126m block trade of Yancoal cross the screens yesterday. That 20 million shares at $6.39/sh is a hefty 1.5% interest in the company.

YAL course of sales, thanks to Spark

The index hawks will be eagerly crunching the numbers if the sale improves the stock’s free float enough to make its way into the ASX300 & ASX200. Yancoal the 74th largest stock on the ASX by market cap but its low free float has prevented its inclusion to date.

Or maybe this is just wishful thinking from the YAL holders. And yes, Trav is one of them 🔔🔔🔔

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