Copper & Iron Ore lead the Way Down for Commodities

Northern Minerals hit with cyber attack following Treasury orders

The Pre-Start

  • Group 6 Metals, who are ramping up the restart of the Dolphin tungsten mine, suggest the high-grade lens is now exposed and points to ore-sorting success (G6M)

  • AGC provided an addendum to a recent hole of 5m at 16.9g/t Au, 1,667g/t Ag, 0.4% Cu, 15% Pb+Zn from 112m (AGC) You might have guessed the results would disappoint based on the 2pm release…

  • Northern Minerals advised it had been subject to a cyber attack, just days after Chalmers ordered 5 groups to divest, with the data put on the dark web (NTU)

  • Turaco released 6 further hits, with a result from Adiopan returning 22m at 4.99g/t from 69m (TCG)

High Grade It

  • Commodities got hit with nearly all base metals, precious and energy commodities trading down overnight (AFR)

  • Heavy rare earth developer Northern Minerals was targeted in a cyber attack hours after Jim Chalmers ordered investors be removed (ABC)

  • Rio will spend $215 million on accelerating its push into low-carbon steel, with plans to build a giant microwave facility south of Perth (AFR)

  • Jemena’s CEO: Rising geopolitical risks should prompt a rethink of Australia’s energy priorities, focusing on reliability & affordability (AFR)

  • The CME copper squeeze appears to have largely passed but fundies are sticking to their bullish convictions in both the US & London (Reuters)

  • The Clean Energy Council said a push by politicians for nuclear energy is “fantasy-driven” & puts Australia at odds globally (The Australian)

  • Premier Roger Cook highlighted the need to incentivise investment while playing down the findings of the lack of royalties paid on LNG (BN)

  • BHP CEO Mike Henry faces a test of patience after Anglo bid faltered (The West)

  • Oil is trading at 4-month lows as the market continues to digest the surprise OPEC+ move to restore production earlier than expected (AFR)

  • The leaders of South Korean & African nations agreed to forge deeper business ties & launch a “critical minerals dialogue” (

  • Chilean state mining firm Enami says it’s getting plenty of interest from prospective partners in a lithium project (Blomberg)

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • St Barbara are now 10% shareholders of Brightstar, post the Linden deal (SBM)

  • Chinese companies are rushing to take advantage of a recent equities rebound to raise funds, including miner MMG, who raised US$1.2b (Bloomberg)

  • Saudi Aramco’s generous dividends can only go so far in making up for an overpriced IPO, which is seeking US$12b (WSJ)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • Ordell Minerals is coming to market via IPO, run by former Genesis boss, Michael Fowler, amid a buoyant gold market (The Australian)

Word on the Decline

  • Word on the decline is that Telfer’s restart date has been moved from Sept 1st to Oct 1st. We’ve heard that DEMIRS has given the TSF repairs the all-clear. This is likely an expensive exercise, though few gold miners would be better able to take the hit.

  • The bigger implication relates to the impact on the ‘halted’ sale process

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In the Weeds

  • Australia commanded a premium for its first sovereign green bond, as investors were drawn by the credible framework & plan to issue more debt (Bloomberg)

  • The Mabo decision that created Australia’s native title regime is now 32 years old. This article looks at what groups do with Native Title (AFR)

  • Indian stocks, bonds and the rupee are poised to climb after exit polls indicated a resounding victory for Narendra Modi’s party (Bloomberg)

  • More than three-and-a-half years after resource-rich Zambia formally declared itself bankrupt it is about to drag itself out of default (Reuters)

  • Copper is booming, with more grassroots signs of increasing value too: theft of copper cable is up 20% on last year in southern England (FT)

Copper & miners index

LME copper vs the mining index

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Devil’s in the Detail

From Ramelius’ project approval for Cue released yesterday, we learn that their NPV (6%, pre-tax) for the project comes in at $266 million at assuming a $3,000 gold price. And there’s 230koz recovered in those numbers.

Remember Ramelius paid $201 million for Musgrave last year. Some napkin math to contemplate. Run it at spot gold price, add tax, chuck in transaction costs and sunk capex since acquisition. Now ponder the acquisition P/NAV.

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