Boss Energy Sees Revenue on the Horizon

Westgold & Capricorn build cash while New Hope issues notes

The Pre-Start

  • Boss Energy said it has produced 57klb of uranium to date, with first shipment to occur this quarter, & revenue to follow (BOE)

  • Westgold built its cash/bullion position by $16m, producing 227koz in FY24, continuing a streak of 6 quarters of cash building (WGX)

  • Leo Lithium provided more detail on the proposed sale of its remaining 40% interest in Goulamina to Ganfeng, recommending shareholders vote in favour at its upcoming general meeting on 31 July (LLL)

  • Nickel Industries EBITDA forecasts took a hit due to rain (guide US$75-$80m) while ENC commissioning is being accelerated (NIC)

  • Capricorn Metals produced 113koz over FY24, with the June quarter result up marginally on March, finishing the FY with $125m cash (CMM)

  • Alkane produced 17.3koz from Tomingley in the June quarter, reaching 57koz for the year with its AISC guidance of $2,150-$2,350/oz (ALK)

  • Fenix will restart mining from the Shine iron ore mine acquired in July last year (FEX) 100kt per month with C1 US$45.50/wmt in Stage 1

  • Metals X shared a mineral resource update for Renison, which now stands at 20.2Mt at 1.45% Sn (291kt contained) (MLX)

  • Metro Mining shipped a record 1.42M wmt in Q2 CY24, in what it dubbed a “commissioning quarter” on its way to 7M wmt pa (MMI)

  • Aeris talk up the prospects of enhanced metallurgical recoveries at Stockman using an Albion process flowsheet (AIS)

  • Arafura’s financing firms up with Euler Hermes conditionally approving US$115m for Nolans (ARU) previously in-principle support

  • Hillgrove reported its Kanmantoo underground operation has reached commercial production with +1kt copper produced (HGO)

  • Gold producer Catalyst released a maiden ore reserve & updated development plan for Trident, near its Plutonic operations (CYL)

  • Coda Minerals revealed a maiden resource for Cattle Grid of 5.8Mt at 0.62% Cu, forming part of its Elizabeth Creek project (COD)

  • DevEx declares a maiden resource of 150Mt @ 1,000ppm TREO for its Kennedy rare earths project (DEV)

    Good to see TREO minus Cerium in the highlights after Mike Bevan’s tips

High Grade It

  • Alex Dorsch defended Chalice's tie-up with Mitshubishi despite a poor market reaction, with the MOU falling short of a financial commitment (AFR)

  • German chemicals giant BASF has abandoned plans to invest in lithium mining assets in Chile as the market slowdown continues (Bloomberg)

  • South Korea's Hyundai and LG Energy inaugurated Indonesia's first battery cell production plant for electric vehicles yesterday (Reuters)

  • Some 1,400 jobs are in limbo after a “gas ignition” event shut down production at Grosvenor (West)

  • Rio Tinto is tipping in $18.5m more to Sovereign Metals to advance its natural rutile and graphite deposit, Kaysia, in Malawi (Capital Brief)

  • Soul Patts backed New Hope came out with a $300m convertible raising for “balance sheet flexibility” (AFR)

  • Vale has selected veteran mining executive Shaun Usmar to take the helm of its base metals division (Bloomberg)

  • A Supreme Court judge backed claims by CITIC that mining op’s in WA employing ~3,000 people are at risk in its battle with Clive Palmer (AFR)

  • South Africa's Impala Platinum on Wednesday said a strike at its Bafokeng operations had ended nearly a week after it started (Reuters)

  • The LME is suspending deliveries of nickel from a plant in Finland owned by Russia’s Norilsk Nickel, a result of sanctions (Bloomberg)

  • Antofagasta has kicked off work to install a 2nd concentrator at its Centinela copper mine, which will add 144kt a year (

  • Gold miner Endeavour Mining rode a rally in precious metals to earn a place in the UK blue-chip index, the FTSE100 (Bloomberg)

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • Glencore has abandoned plans to sell its stake in Kazakh miner Kazzinc after potential buyers failed to match expectations (Bloomberg)

  • FIRB has approved Cyan’s proposed takeover of MMA Offshore, though many shareholders remain unhappy with the deal value (MRM)

  • Provident edges to 44% of Sihayo as some shareholders accept while still waiting for the Target’s statement (SIH)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • New Hope is raising $300m via a convertible note offering., paying 4.25% pa for “increased financial flexibility” (NHC)

  • West African has received commitments for $150m from its capital raising (WAF)

  • Larvotto Resources, focussed on bringing Hillgrove back into production, is in a trading halt for a capital raising (LRV)

  • Latitude 66 (previously DiscoverEx) commences trading today following the backdoor listing of its Finland exploration project (LAT)

  • FMR Resources has relisted with a focus on its Fairfield copper project in Canada (FMR)

  • Jindalee has received firm commitments of $4.1m, while seeking up to $6.7m via a combo of placement, entitlement and con notes (JLL)

Word on the Decline

  • At some stage we’ll actually talk about different companies in this column but for now it appears we are obsessed with Ramelius

  • Are there synergies for Ramelius trucking their low-grade stockpiles from Mt Magnet to the Dalgaranga mill (~100km by road)?

  • Maybe it makes sense or maybe it doesn’t but there’s Spartan’s mill filled and who knows what blend of ore will maximise recoveries…

Do you have some Word on the Decline? Reply to this email or shoot a message to [email protected] directly. We will always take your privacy seriously.

In the Weeds

  • India asked power companies to order equipment worth $33b to fast-track capacity additions of coal-fired power in the years ahead (Reuters)

  • Nuclear power shouldn’t be ruled out as part of Australia’s energy mix, given it cost similarities to wind, according to the operator of one of the country’s largest power generators (The Australian)

  • For those with a spare 41 minutes, here’s an old video of the construction of BHP’s Goonyella Riverside, thanks to @Realhagetaka

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Devil’s in the Detail

If you feel like scrambling your brain this early in the morning, we suggest you try and read the New Hope convertible offering announcement in its entirety.

There is some pretty remarkable financial engineering that has gone into this instrument. New Hope may cash settle any conversions and the deal involves entry into ‘Capped Call Transactions’ which have the economic effect of lifting the price above which any dilution may occur to a level 80% higher than the reference price… That’s a mouthful.

A lot of financial engineering just so a thermal coal company can get a little debt! Close followers of New Hope would remember that it’s not the company’s first foray into convertibles. But it is the first time featuring the Capped Call. Tax gurus might point to the structure as a way to unlock the company’s hefty franking credits too.

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