BHP Boss Spotted in South Africa

Alumina prices continue on their tear, GM eyes more critical minerals deals

The Pre-Start

  • Centamin produced 132koz @ AISC of US$1,256/oz while spending US$67m on capex, delivering US$103m in free cash (CEY.L) Up 5%

  • Buenaventura produced 40koz of Au, 4.2Moz of Ag & 17kt of Cu with lead & zinc products also delivered, while costs were withheld (BVN. NY)

  • K92 released an updated integrated development plan, representing a doubling of throughput to 1.2Mtpa, which resulted in an NPV5 of US$680m operating at an AISC AuEq of US$920/oz over 7-years, after US$194m in growth capital (KNT.T)

  • Equinox Gold produced 42.5koz from Greenstone as it ramps up, reducing guidance to ~120koz for 2024 (EQX.T) Stock down 8%

  • Hillgrove released a maiden Kanmantoo underground reserve + a mineral resource statement totalling 19.3Mt @ 0.77% Cu & 0.14g/t Au (HGO)

  • Global Lithium shared its quarterly report, closing with $25m in cash & investments (GL1)

  • Talga’s exploitation concession for its Nunasvaara South natural graphite mine was approved (TLG)

  • Macro Metals executed an MOU with NORDEN Shipping to collaborate on transhipping facilities in the West Pilbara (M4M)

  • CMM, PDI, A1M & NRW released their annual reports ahead of AGM season

High Grade It

  • Mike Henry and BHP’s M&A executive met with government officials as standstill period expires next month (FT) it’s an “open secret” that BHP would likely make another bid

  • BHP’s flagship iron ore division has reported its weakest prices in more than four years, with the markets fearing similar challenges to Rio (AFR)

  • Amazon joins the push for nuclear power to meet data center demand (Reuters)

  • Anglo to focus on metals exploration after Aussie coal sale (MiningNews)

  • Barrick produces 1.03Moz AuEq this quarter, expecting a a strong Q4CY24 (MiningNews)

  • BHP’s Olympic Dam copper mine is out of action after large electricity transmission towers in South Australia were damaged by wild storms (AFR)

  • Alumina prices have soared to record highs this week, compressing margins at the world’s aluminium smelters (Reuters)

  • The NSW government is seeking to bolster critical mineral explorers in the state by offering up to $250m in deferred royalty payments (AFR)

  • Just one major resources project was been in sanction in WA this year, with the pipeline of future projects very thin (BN)

  • Genesis is targeting first gold from its restarted Laverton mill for early next month (West)

  • Beach Energy appoints Ryan Stokes as permanent chair (CB)

  • Andrew and Nicola Forrest stand down as Minderoo Foundation co-chairs (AFR) Twiggy to focus on “real zero” ambitions at Fortescue

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • General Motors is eyeing further North American investments in lithium & other critical minerals used to build EVs after its $1bn Nevada lithium deal earlier this week (Reuters)

  • Owners of Queensland’s Kestrel coking coal mine, EMR Capital, say they will put the operation on the market, kick-starting a multibillion-dollar auction (AFR)

  • Siren Gold received an improved offer from Rua Gold in relation to the sale of the company’s Reefton project, where Rua will subscribe for a $2m placement in Siren as a condition to completion (SNG) this was announced only ~2 hours before Siren’s shareholder meeting was scheduled to vote on the Rua transaction noting Federation’s proposal to RTO via Siren was disclosed earlier in the week….

  • Mayur Resources secured a strategic alliance with a quicklime and limestone supplier to enable the launch of Mayur-branded lime product into Australian and Pacific markets (MRL)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • Turaco Gold received firm commitments to raise $35m at 31c to accelerate resource growth and drilling at Afema (TCG)

  • Lowell Resources Fund launched a placement & SPP to raise a total of $7.7m (LRT)

  • Caravel announced a $5m placement at 14.5c (CVV)

  • F3 Uranium revised the pricing of its previously announced C$7m raising (FUU.T)

Word on the Decline

  • We thought we’d be breaking the goss that Mike Henry was spotted in Johannesburg this week but unfortunately, the Financial Times broke the story before our regular email send time

  • So instead we’ll use this column for something less juicy… Some intel into the state of the lithium market from a participant much closer than we are...

  • We have heard a non-consensus view that the lithium market has not yet bottomed. It has been pointed out to us that there is a lot of carbonate floating around and held as finished inventories at small to mid-sized refiners that are apparently beginning to get desperate to sell

  • On the plus side, we are told demand is fairly healthy, especially from the BESS side of the industry in recent months

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In the Weeds

  • How China’s planning its biggest push in years to cut hidden debt (Bloomberg)

  • Indonesia looks to next phase for nickel industry as fixer-in-chief bows out (

  • Boot of Cortez: The Largest Gold Nugget Ever Discovered (Greek Reporter)

  • Australia's first electric excavator: The R 9400 E | Liebherr (YouTube)

  • Eric Sprott On His Biggest Wins (Massive) and Biggest Losses (YouTube)

  • One of The Strangest & Richest Mineral Deposits Ever Discovered (Olympic Dam Vid)

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