Anglo Kicks on with Coal Sale, Codelco Eyes QB

Global Lithium drags itself into AVZ drama while WA1 rattles the tin

The Pre-Start

  • Alkane released a scoping study for Boda-Kaiser, evaluating a 5, 10 & 20mtpa scenario. The largest scenario has a capex bill of $1.78b, generates NPV7 of $1.8b, and a 24% IRR over a 17-year life (ALK)

  • Catalyst ended the year with $37m of cash & bullion and $8m in debt, producing 110koz for FY24, with 85koz coming from Plutonic (CYL)

  • The ASX lobbed Agrimin a speeding ticket yesterday, to which it replied this morning, additionally sharing its flotation test work results (AMN)

  • Global Lithium confirmed non-exec chair Geoff Jones resigned with immediate effect, with current MD Ron Mitchell assuming the role (GL1)

  • An Atlantic Lithium employee was fatally injured at the Ewoyaa project, leading to site activities being suspended (A11)

High Grade It

  • China rare earth heavyweight JL Mag is set to emerge with a c. 10% Hastings stake and a board seat for its $7m investment (AFR)

  • Miners are concerned that a ‘climate trigger’ to be added to revamped environmental laws, and is stifling industry confidence (West)

  • Elliott renewed its fight with the LME over the 2022 nickel crisis, saying the exchange failed to disclose crucial documents (Bloomberg)

  • Russia’s state-run nuclear company Rosatom are looking to build 6 nuclear reactors in India (Newsweek)

  • Viva submitted an updated environmental report for a Geelong LNG terminal, testing Victoria’s attitude towards gas (The Australian)

  • Saudi Aramco is returning to the bond market to raise at least US$3b (Reuters) Aramco's bond sale is "likely an indication the company will continue to pursue acquisitions aggressively"… Santos anyone?

  • Trafigura is grappling with a big share buyback bill after years of strong profits, prompting it to cut shareholder interest payments (Bloomberg)

  • Chile said they’ll consider 81 proposals for lithium projects, putting it on track to surpass a goal of four new projects by 2026 (Reuters)

  • Global gold ETFs recorded inflows for two consecutive months to end-June, with Asian buying offsetting outflows in North America (MW)

  • Global Lithium has been dragged into the AVZ drama with “board changes” imminent (West)

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • Anglo American has appointed bankers to kick off the sale process for its coal assets, despite the fire at Grosvenor (Reuters)

  • Chile’s Codelco is considering taking a 10% stake in Teck’s QB, currently held by state miner Enami, valued at about $500m (

  • Aurion confirms transaction discussions with Rupert. This comes on the back of Rupert’s stalled talks with B2Gold to acquire 100% of the Fingold JV which borders Rupert’s Ikkari project (RUP)

  • Diatreme have almost 80% of Metallica and extended the takeover offer period to 23 July in an effort to close out the deal (MLM)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • WA1 raising $50m at a price of $17, a 16% discount to the 5-day VWAP to further fund their Luni niobium project in the West Arunta (WA1)

  • Ascot Resources is raising C$20m via a bought deal of charity flow-through units (AOT)

Word on the Decline

  • In Monday’s note, we included details of the undeveloped Mt Bundy gold project in the Northern Territory selling for A$300 million to Huineng Gold, with a named guarantor being Inner Mongolia Huineng Coal

  • We think there was some serious wealth generated by the #MongolCoal winners in the last 12 months and word on the decline is there is a lot of appetite to get that out of China (nothing is new here)

  • But what we find interesting is the litmus test of getting FIRB approval for a gold project, a non-critical metal if there ever was one!

  • And if it gets the tick, can we expect to see more Chinese money find its way into Australian gold assets as a way to park newfound wealth?

Do you have some Word on the Decline? Reply to this email or shoot a message to [email protected] directly. We will always take your privacy seriously.

In the Weeds

  • “The Rise of China's Solar Industry: A Tale of Strategic Mastery” a blog by Will Thomson 

  • The cost of shipping crude oil along key Asia routes is slumping as supertankers take shorter trips & demand softens in China (Bloomberg)

  • Gina has hosted two private political fundraises to assist Aussie opposition leader Peter Dutton’s tilt at the government (AFR)

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Today’s Top Tweet

Devil’s in the Detail

We got a couple of cheap laughs in the LinkedIn post from Gold Industry Group yesterday. Firstly, Pantoro’s description in the post appears to be a few years out of date. I’m sure shareholders aren’t thinking too much about the Halls Creek project these days. And it’s 100% of Norseman now! We make plenty of mistakes too though.

But the pen writing on the plastic cover of the preso from a smiling Mr Cmrlec gave us a good chuckle. Good footy.

Go Australia

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