29M Finalises Opaque Offtake, NZ backtracks on O&G ban

Westgold ups Starlight while Beach impairs assets

The Pre-Start

  • 29Metals finalised its US$50 million offtake facility with Glencore (29M) it’s a stunning announcement that includes no interest rate, no term of the offtake and no other key terms…

  • Bannerman revised cost estimates for Etango-8 with an AISC of US$39.1/lb (BMN) It claims to be advancing towards positive FID, just like it said after its 2022 DFS, market conditions permitting, of course

  • Westgold increased Starlight mineral resource by 41%, now sitting at 590koz at 3.38g/t. Resource is 44% inferred (WGX)

  • Alkane dropped FY24 guidance for Tomingley from 62.5koz to 56.5koz with AISC increasing from $1,925/oz to $2,250/oz, on the back of previously cited recovery issues & “not rapid enough” ramp up at Roswell (ALK)

  • AIC Mines achieved FY24 production guidance of 12.5kt copper and 5koz gold in concentrate at Eloise (A1M)

  • Spartan further extended Pepper orebody (adjacent to Never Never) with 30.8m @ 12.1g/t from 648m (SPR)

  • Beach Energy flagged a ~$400 million impairment of its Bass and Taranaki Basin assets (BPT) - naturally we are suspect of the timing of this announcement. One day after a ‘turnaround’ piece in The Australian…

  • Chalice released initial met testwork results, indicating potential improved recoveries through flotation. PFS due mid-CY25 (CHN)

  • Great Boulder intersected a new shallow discovery 150m north of the Mulga Bill resource. Headline hit was 32m @ 8.4g/t from 104m (GBR)

  • Patriot Battery Metals extended the newly discovered Vega zone with 33m at 2.4% Li2O (PMT)

  • MinRes will stump up the final $200 million payment to Red Hill Minerals for the RHIJV acquisition on July 1 (RHI) the original agreement stated the payment would be made “when first shipment departs port” - we all know why MIN would prefer to pay July 1 though….

  • Strandline announced record production in May at 16kt of HMC, with the Mineral Separation Plant trial now commencing (STA)

  • Element 25 says it will investigate the restart of mining from its Butcherbird project given bouyant manganese prices (E25)

  • Hillgrove’s May copper production was up 17% month-on-month as ramp-up at Kanmantoo continues (HGO)

High Grade It

  • Chile’s Codelco has targetted 2030 for production at the recently acquired Maricunga lithium project (Mining.com)

  • Red Hill will start the new financial year with a hefty bank balance, with the company set to pocket A$200 million from MinRes (MiningNews)

  • Albanese ramped up his attacks on the opposition’s nuclear energy plans, calling on voters to reject a Coalition ­“nuclear fantasy, dreamed-up to delay real action on climate change” (The West)

  • Gold fell the most in over two years as surprise strength in US jobs data dashed hopes that the Federal Reserve would cut rates (Mining.com)

  • KoBold Metals, the Gates-backed explorer, could spend $2.3b to build a new copper mine in Zambia, President Hichilema said (Bloomberg)

  • NZ reversed a ban on oil and gas exploration, six years after former PM Jacinda Ardern halted new offshore drilling (The Australian)

  • Copper production from Codelco, the world’s largest producer, fell 6.1% in April compared to the same month last year (Mining.com)

  • Rio’s destruction of Juukan Gorge was an industry game changer, with lawyers saying it raised the bar for agreements & increased approval times (AFR)

  • Demand for Canadian natural resources is on a “scale never seen before,” according to the Mining Association of Canada (Mining.com)

  • Copper & nickel have both have taken a hit so far this month, with Cu at US$9,835/t & Ni at US$17,945/t (The West)

Wheelin’ n Dealin’

  • Southern Cross Gold and its 49.6% shareholder, Mawson Gold have agreed to merge in a transaction that will see SXG shareholders retain 50.4% of the proforma in a scheme of arrangement (SXG)

  • Genesis Minerals will not rush into any more acquisitions (The Australian)

  • Hancock Prospecting is rumoured to be taking a look at buying Strike Energy (The Australian)

  • M&A will be on the cards for Beach Energy from 2025 according to Dataroom in a column that talks about the company’s ‘turnaround story’

  • Botswana is in talks over increasing its shareholding in De Beers, as Anglo prepares to end its almost century-long relationship (Bloomberg)

  • Foreign investors were allocated about 60% of the shares on offer in Saudi Aramco’s $11.2b stock sale (Bloomberg)

  • Guinea Alumina Corp, a unit of Emirates Global Aluminum, signed a preliminary agreement with the Guinean government for the construction of an alumina refinery (Bloomberg)

Rattlin’ the Tin

  • Theta Gold stated that tranche 1 of its placement did not settle, though the investor re-confirmed its US$10m commitment & Theta anticipates an end-of-month closing (TGM)

  • Jameson Resources has raised $5m for exploration (JAL)

  • Peninsula has completed its retail entitlement, with underwriters taking ~$5m of the $22m retail allocation (PEN)

Word on the Decline

Word on the decline is the Money Miners that somehow managed to get 20+ people to sign up for this newsletter are genuinely GCs.

Do you have some Word on the Decline? Reply to this email or shoot a message to [email protected] directly. We will always take your privacy seriously.

In the Weeds

  • Narendra Modi, heading into his 3rd term with a weakened mandate, wants India to embrace a new “green era” at the forefront of climate diplomacy (Mining.com)

  • Why EV tariffs won’t stop Chinese cars (CNBC video)

  • How private equity ate Britain (Bloomberg originals video)

  • Why China is winning the EV war (Vox video)

  • China's imports of major commodities were either openly weak in May, such as the decline in crude oil, or those showing apparent signs of strength were deceptive (Reuters)

  • Westinghouse is replacing Russian fuel and planning to help Kyiv build new reactors (WSJ)

  • The Koala talks about a lot of relevant themes in the world of mining investment in this 47-minute podcast on Mining Stock Daily (Apple, Spotify)

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Devil’s in the Detail

Did you catch this slide in Ausgold’s recent capital raising materials, suggesting their all-in discovery cost has been ~$11/oz?

Let’s just do some napkin math. On our numbers, Ausgold raised cumulatively $67 million during this period of time. So growth of 2.4Moz for $67 million equates to $28/oz. An “all in” number means you need to put all of the numbers in the calculation. Including G&A which was carved out if you read the slide’s footnote…

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